
Showing posts from May, 2012

Reflections On One Year Without Tressel

Reflections On One Year Without Tressel : Jim Tressel resigned from Ohio State in 2011 -- and Columbus changed forever.

The sounds of the city

The sounds of the city : Good sleepy morning from a very warm Edinburgh. Last night was one of those where I lay down, immediately couldn’t sleep, so moved to the sofa in the sitting room so as not to disturb the soon to be marathon running Mrs Blogs. I couldn’t sleep there either so I was treated to the sound of late night Scotland. 1.45am – Enormous lorry, I suspect the size of the Emirates Stadium, idles outside the window. 2.24am – A man named Ed is shouting at his friend who is saying ‘Shut up, Ed, ya fuckin’ coooooock’. Ed does not shut up and continues to shout all the way down the road. 2.46am – “TAAAAAAAAXXIIIIIIIII”, shrieks a woman. ‘TAAAAAAAAAAXXIIIIIIIII”. I can hear no cars. I think she’s shrieking to make one appear. 3.17am – A group of lads are singing that Chumbawumba song about getting knocked down and getting up again. I fervently wish that the truck from 1.45am knocks them down because there’s fucking no chance of them getting up. 3.18am – I retract my w

Djourou: The Modern Squad Problem

Djourou: The Modern Squad Problem : There are an awful lot of people who know a lot about the intimate details of players salaries and transfer fees these days. Which is quite surprising given the wide divergence in the sums quoted by different people on the same subject. What surprises me – and it doesn’t at the same time – is the willingness with which these figures are lapped up, the speed with which an unsubstantiated comment becomes a fact. Just remember that before you quote anything, question how that person got the information, what is their source? Better still, ask what is their agenda for making it public or claiming that their information is right? Plenty of advice is given to players, quite freely in these columns and by me as well. It was of no surprise to see headlines that told Johan Djourou to find another club, lots of people have been telling him to do so for the past twelve months. Even his national team coach is now joining in and you wonder if that is going to

Djourou know the solution?

Djourou know the solution? : Good morning to you. It’s another scorcher in Edinburgh. Thanks to all for the kind messages re: Mrs Blogs and the marathon running. I can think of a million things to do on a hot day like that, running 26 miles is really not one of them. Sitting in the park supportively drinking cold beer before going to finish line to see a sunburnt Mrs Blogs arrive was one of them. Which is what we did. And we did it well, let me tell you. There was then much re-hydrating required, for Mrs Blogs too, and we also did that. All in all good fun and Edinburgh is such a fantastic city. I know everywhere seems better when the sun is shining but I recommend the shit out of it. Right, onto matters Arsenal are there are a few bits and pieces around, starting with Johan Djourou who has been ‘advised’ by his international boss that he needs to leave Arsenal if he wants to play for Switzerland. Ottmar Hitzfeld says : For Djourou, the question arises of a transfer. If he wants t

Djourou know the solution?

Djourou know the solution? : Good morning to you. It’s another scorcher in Edinburgh. Thanks to all for the kind messages re: Mrs Blogs and the marathon running. I can think of a million things to do on a hot day like that, running 26 miles is really not one of them. Sitting in the park supportively drinking cold beer before going to finish line to see a sunburnt Mrs Blogs arrive was one of them. Which is what we did. And we did it well, let me tell you. There was then much re-hydrating required, for Mrs Blogs too, and we also did that. All in all good fun and Edinburgh is such a fantastic city. I know everywhere seems better when the sun is shining but I recommend the shit out of it. Right, onto matters Arsenal are there are a few bits and pieces around, starting with Johan Djourou who has been ‘advised’ by his international boss that he needs to leave Arsenal if he wants to play for Switzerland. Ottmar Hitzfeld says : For Djourou, the question arises of a transfer. If he wants t

Programme gives youngsters a Fighting Chance

Programme gives youngsters a Fighting Chance : Club celebrate success of judo scheme launch

2011/12 Fans' View: Final thoughts

2011/12 Fans' View: Final thoughts : Arsenal supporters have their final say on the 2011/12 season